When you purchase a lamb through us, you are buying the whole animal. You can also split a lamb with a friend or a neighbor. Your lamb will be cut to your specifications, vacuum packed, labeled, and frozen. Halal & Tayyib Meat Shares: $8/hanging lb. on the hanging weight. Butcher fees (includes all cut and wrap). The actual cost is based on the final hanging weight and the processing method. The average cost is $500.
What cuts will I get with the custom-Cut option?
We’ll help you fill out a “cut sheet” which will specify how you want your lamb butchered. You can get a mix of grind, stew, roasts, steaks, organ meats and bones depending on your requests. Making use of organ meats and bones increases the value of your whole lamb purchase. If you’re not into organ meat, maybe your dog is! Consider making stock with the bones - you won’t regret the effort. Liver, heart, kidneys, and spleen are added at no extra cost if chosen. Other organ meats such a s tripe may be added for with an extra cleaning and packaging fee.
How much do I save by buying a whole lamb?
For lambs, the live weight varies from approximately 80-140 pounds. The hanging weight (after removal of head, hooves, most bones, offal, etc.) is about 50% of the live weight. The actual meat you receive (boxed weight) will be less due to the cutting away of the remaining bones and fat. We are able to provide you with the average weight of a lamb for estimating purposes, but each animal is different and your final price will reflect this. The butchering fee is calculated into the purchase price. Once your meat is ready, we will make arrangement with your for home delivery.
A whole lamb or goat share will yield approximately between 32 and 42 pounds of meat cuts once it has been custom cut & packaged. The share cost depends on each animal's age, cutting method, and final hanging weight.
How much meat will I get?
A typical cut yield is somewhere around 70% off of the hanging weight, but this depends on how you have your lamb butchered. More bone-in cuts, organs, and bones will increase your yield and the overall value. Cut yield also varies somewhat from animal to animal. Per the example above, you might expect to get around 32-42 pounds of meat in total.
Paying for your lamb
We require a $200 deposit to reserve your whole lamb. The remaining balance (including butcher fees) will be due at pick up. Payments can be made by check, cash, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, or Debit card. Note: Prices may change monthly due to changes in the market and can be verified at time of order.
Picking up, delivering, or shipping your lamb
Your meat will be ready for pick up approximately in 3 to a week from the time the order is confirmed. We’ll let you know when it is ready for pick up, shipping, or delivery. Please plan on picking up your lamb promptly after this notification. Please be prepared to store your entire order - we cannot accommodate long term storage of your lamb. A whole lamb typically fills a box that is 20x15x8 inches in size.