Grass-fed beef stands out as a healthier alternative to grain-fed beef due to its lower calorie and fat content, along with significantly higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, the Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acid ratio in grass-fed beef is much more favorable compared to supermarket meat, making it a better choice for overall health. Additionally, the presence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in grass-fed beef has been linked to various health benefits, such as muscle building, body fat reduction, and creating a more optimal cellular environment for improved well-being. Studies show the nutritional value of beef from cattle that consume grass and forage for their entire lives is higher than beef from cattle that are fed grain. Better Feed, Better MeatBeef cattle are designed to eat plants. And almost all do for the majority of their lives. However, most conventionally-raised cattle are eventually moved to a feedlot for the final four to eight months where they eat a diet high in grain. Cattle that remain on pasture instead of going to a feedlot continue to eat plants. This results in healthier animals … and more nutritious food for people as well. Better Fat Quality Less saturated fat, more polyunsaturated fat ► Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats is associated with reduced blood levels of total and LDL cholesterol. ► Studies suggest that replacement reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, strokes, and related deaths. Lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fats ► Omega-6 fats are generally more inflammatory than omega-3 fats. ►Research suggests a lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is more desirable and may improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. ► Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids can improve neural health and result in lower total mortality. Increase in Nutrients: Higher levels of antioxidants (vitamin E and β-carotene) ► Vitamin E and β-carotene protect cells from damage due to free radicals. ► β-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A and is critical for vision health. By the numbers… Compared to grain-fed beef, beef from cattle raised 100% on pasture has up to: Why Feed MattersBeef quality is influenced by many factors, including an animal’s genetics, age, breed, location, and very significantly, the animal’s diet. Cattle are a type of ruminant animal. Ruminants have a stomach with four compartments, the largest of which is called the rumen. The rumen is a fermentation chamber where fibrous grasses are digested by bacteria to produce high quality protein (i.e. meat). Forages are the edible parts of plants other than grain and include pasture vegetation and grasses. They are good sources of beneficial omega-3 fats. In contrast, grains such as corn are dominated by more inflammatory omega-6 fats. Due to the way cattle digest their food, they are able to convert the beneficial fat and nutrients in plants into more nutritious meat for people to eat. Shopping For BeefGrass-fed beef signifies that only grass was fed to the cattle. The USDA’s “100% grass-fed” claim may be applied to meat from cattle that were fed only 100% grass (forage) without grain or grain byproducts. The USDA’s staff reviews supporting documentation supplied by the company making the claim, but third-party inspections are not completed and humane standards are not considered in the grass-fed claim. Grass-finished beef implies that grass was fed in the final phase of production, thus the cattle were fed grass their entire lives. However, grass-finished cattle can also be fed grain, therefore the USDA states the claim “grain-fed, grass-finished” is the most accurate terminology. Because these claims are not 100% reliable, look for third party verified labels, or farms that use humane practices but may not be certified due to the costs involved. Learn more at: The Bottom LinePasture-raised animals produce nutritionally superior food for people. In addition to the nutritional advantages, there are many animal welfare and environmental benefits associated with pasture-based animal agriculture. Please consider supporting your local family farmers who raise their animals humanely on grass and well-managed pasture. Updated June 2021 from Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) is a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure that all food-producing animals are raised in a humane and healthy manner. FACT offers grants, scholarships, webinars and a mentorship program for livestock and poultry farmers and ranchers who wish to raise their animals on pasture. Compare the Difference"Food is not just calories, it is information. It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do. The most powerful tool to change your health, environment and entire world is your fork." -Dr. Mark Hyma In terms of nutritional value, grass-fed beef surpasses grain-fed beef by providing higher amounts of essential vitamins like Vitamin E, as well as antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. The abundance of these nutrients in grass-fed beef contributes to its reputation as a superior dietary option. Moreover, the substantial presence of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in grass-fed beef, which is significantly higher than in grain-finished beef, has shown promising results in animal studies as an anti-carcinogenic agent that can inhibit cancer cell growth. Grass-fed beef contains a significantly higher amount of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) compared to grained beef, with a 500% increase. CLA is an essential fatty acid that has been proven to have various health benefits in animal studies. Firstly, it has shown to possess anti-carcinogenic properties by not only reducing the risk of cancer but also inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, CLA has been found to be anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerosis, contributing to the prevention of heart disease. Moreover, it enhances the body's immunity to diseases and promotes an increase in bone density. In terms of nutritional value, grass-fed beef surpasses grain fed beef with its higher content of essential vitamins. Grass-fed beef contains 400% more Vitamin A, 300% more Vitamin E, 78% more Beta-carotene, and 75% more Omega-3 compared to grain fed beef. Apart from its nutritional advantages, grass-fed beef is also recognized for its positive impact on various aspects of health. Consuming grass-fed beef has been associated with boosting immunity, preventing heart disease, increasing bone density, warding off obesity, and even acting as an anti-diabetic agent. These additional health benefits further highlight the superiority of grass-fed beef over its grain-fed counterpart, making it a valuable choice for individuals looking to prioritize their well-being through dietary choices. Apart from the delicious taste, nutritional value, and animal welfare advantages of grass-fed beef, closed-loop, pasture-based systems play a crucial role in maintaining healthy soils. These systems help in carbon sequestration and require minimal inputs such as sunlight and rain. They serve as a sustainable option in contrast to the environmentally harmful practices of the commodity beef industry. Moreover, raising cattle on grass not only benefits the environment but also proves to be a more profitable venture for farmers. Our grass-fed animals are raised without the use of growth hormones, steroids, or antibiotics, offering a healthier Halal alternative to conventionally raised commercial meat. Unlike animals in confinement, our livestock are not subjected to antibiotics, hormones, or scientifically formulated diets solely for profit maximization. Commercial feedlots confine animals in large spaces and feed them bi-product feeds like potato chip meal, cookie meal, and pig blood meal. This restrictive environment limits exercise and creates social stress among the animals, fostering a competitive and profit-driven atmosphere. Speaking from personal experience, having consumed grass-fed beef from local farms since 2014, I can attest to its exceptional taste and quality. Additionally, we are fortunate to have access to a superior option that doesn't require us to compromise between conventional Halal meat and grass-fed/organic non-Halal meat. Alhamdulillah, Allah (SWT) has provided us with a way to enjoy Halal and wholesome food for our families, ensuring both ethical consumption and nutritional benefits. While in the CAFOs, cows are typically fed a diet of grain, soy, corn, growth hormones, and steroids. Cows in nature eat nothing but grass. In fact their stomachs aren’t even designed to process corn, but it sure will put the weight on quickly. This can get them to market at less than a year old. This is an unnatural food source for cows who are supposed to eat fibrous grass and plants. Switching to high starch, low-fiber diets commonly causes disorders, including a condition called “subacute acidosis” where cows develop diarrhea, stop eating their feed, kick at their bellies, and eat dirt. As with everything, there are some upstanding and honest feedlots and there are others that abuse and mistreat their cattle. There are extreme examples where cows have been fed “byproduct feedstuffs” and repeatedly shocked with electricity. In contrast, our cows spend their entire lives in wide open pastures. They eat grass—the food that they were naturally intended to eat, in the environment where they are naturally found. Because of their low-stress lifestyle, our cows are rarely sick, and grow at a natural rate. The result is the most nutritious, best tasting beef for you and your family. Compare and contrast what we’ve just described with the meat you find on most grocery store shelves. Most meat in your local supermarket comes from facilities called “Confined/Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations” or CAFOs. The purpose of a CAFO is to produce large quantities of inexpensive meat. While the meat is available year-around at a low price, we are starting to recognize many of the consequences directly linked to factory farming, such as:
Ready to Feed Your Family Nutritious Beef"Consumers have been led to believe that meat is meat is meat. In other words, no matter what an animal is fed, the nutritional value of its products remains the same. This is not true. An animal’s diet can have a profound influence on the nutrient content of its products." -"Why Grass-Fed is Best!” Author Jo Johnsonr: Jo Johnson
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