Recent studies have shown that opting for pastured and grass-fed meat can significantly benefit our health. By choosing to consume this type of meat, you are not only nourishing yourself but also providing your family with a reliable source of fresh and nutritious Tayyib meat that comes from content animals raised in healthy pastures Sheep and goats are naturally herbivores, meant to consume plants as their primary source of nutrition. Nevertheless, in certain instances, these animals are kept in restricted environments where they are fed a diet predominantly consisting of grains. When sheep and goats are allowed to roam freely outdoors in pastures or ranges, they have the opportunity to graze on plants and engage in physical activity. This practice leads to the development of healthier animals, ultimately resulting in more nutritious meat for consumers. Studies show the nutritional value of meat and dairy from sheep and goats is higher when the animals consume grass and forage instead of grain. Better Feed, Better Meat and Milk Sheep and goats are designed to eat plants. However, the animals are sometimes raised in confined conditions and fed a diet high in grain for part or most of their lives. Sheep and goats that are raised outdoors on pasture or range instead of in confinement are able to eat plants and exercise freely. This results in healthier animals … and more nutritious food for people as well. Research indicates that the nutritional content of meat and dairy products derived from sheep and goats is significantly higher when these animals consume grass and forage as opposed to grain. This is primarily due to the unique digestive system of these ruminant animals, which includes a large fermentation chamber called the rumen. Within the rumen, bacteria break down fibrous grasses, resulting in the production of high-quality protein found in meat and milk. Forages, which encompass various edible parts of plants excluding grain, such as pasture vegetation and grasses, are particularly beneficial as they contain omega-3 fats that are advantageous for human health. In contrast, grains like corn are rich in omega-6 fats, which can be more inflammatory. The digestive process of sheep and goats enables them to convert the nutrients and beneficial fats present in plants into more nourishing meat and milk. Furthermore, the physical activity of sheep and goats that graze on pasture, compared to those confined in limited spaces, contributes to muscle development and ultimately leads to an increase in protein content. Better Fat Quality Less saturated fat, more heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats ► Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats is associated with reduced blood levels of total and LDL cholesterol. ► Studies suggest that this replacement reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, strokes, and related deaths. Lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fats ► Omega-6 fats are generally more inflammatory than omega-3 fats. Research suggests a lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is more desirable and may improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. ► Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids can improve neural health and result in lower total mortality. ► Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural fatty acid found in milk, has shown efficacy against cancer, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Increase in Nutrients Higher levels of vitamin E and vitamin A ► Vitamin E is an antioxidant and protects cells from free radicals. ► Vitamin A is critical for normal vision and immune function. By the numbers… Compared to animals fed grain, meat & dairy from sheep & goats raised 100% on pasture have up to: ► 3x more omega-3 fats ► 2x more long-chain omega-3s ► 1.8x more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) ► 85% lower omega-6: omega-3 ratio ► 1.7x higher polyunsaturated: saturated fat ratio ► 2.3x more vitamin E ► 1.4x more vitamin A The How & WhySheep and goats are ruminant animals. This means that they have stomachs with four compartments, the largest of which is called the rumen. The rumen is a fermentation chamber where fibrous grasses are digested by bacteria to produce high quality protein (i.e. meat and milk). Forages are the edible parts of plants other than grain and include pasture vegetation and grasses. They are good sources of beneficial omega-3 fats. In contrast, grains such as corn are dominated by more inflammatory omega-6 fats. Due to the way sheep and goats digest their food, they are able to convert the beneficial fat and nutrients in plants into more nutritious meat and milk for people. In addition, sheep and goats that live outside on pasture exercise more than confined animals do. This factor likely contributes to muscle development and results in increased protein. Shopping For Lamb & GoatWhen it comes to shopping for meat and dairy products, it is important to pay attention to labels such as "grass-fed" and "grass-fed dairy." These labels indicate that the animals were fed only grass, without any grain or grain by-products. However, it is crucial to note that the USDA does not conduct third-party inspections to verify these claims, and humane standards are not taken into consideration. This lack of oversight means that the term "grass-fed" may not always guarantee the quality of the product. Similarly, the term "pasture-raised" implies that the animals had access to pasture as part of their diet. While this may suggest a more natural and humane farming practice, there is no standard requirement for the animals' diet, and on-farm inspections are not mandatory to verify the claim. As a result, it is essential to be cautious when relying solely on these labels to make informed decisions about the meat and dairy products you purchase. Seeking out third-party verified labels or farms that prioritize humane practices can help ensure the quality and integrity of the products you choose. In conclusion, while labels like "grass-fed" and "pasture-raised" can provide some insight into the farming practices behind meat and dairy products, they may not always guarantee the highest standards of quality and animal welfare. To make more informed choices, consider supporting local family farmers who prioritize humane and sustainable practices in raising their animals. By doing so, you can not only enjoy the nutritional benefits of pasture-raised products but also contribute to the well-being of animals and the environment. The Bottom LinePasture-raised animals produce nutritionally superior food for people. In addition to the nutritional advantages, there are many animal welfare and environmental benefits associated with pasture-based animal agriculture. Please consider supporting your local family farmers who raise their animals humanely on grass and well-managed pasture. Updated June 2021 from Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) is a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure that all food-producing animals are raised in a humane and healthy manner. FACT offers grants, scholarships, webinars and a mentorship program for livestock and poultry farmers and ranchers who wish to raise their animals on pasture. Ready to Feed Your Family Nutritious MeatRecent studies have shown that opting for pastured and grass-fed meat can significantly benefit our health. By choosing to consume this type of meat, you are not only nourishing yourself but also providing your family with a reliable source of fresh and nutritious Tayyib meat that comes from content animals raised in healthy pastures.
By selecting our Tayyib meat, you can rest assured that you are offering your loved ones a meal that is not only delicious but also free from any harmful additives or alterations. This peace of mind allows you to know precisely what you are serving at the dinner table, promoting a sense of trust and well-being within your family.
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